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source: @iylianaj's instagram |
When I firstly saw this, I laughed out on this is funny meme. It's true of what she (the source I got from) said on its caption: "Oh you know, we all have those momets. When we see something haram, when we accidentally do something haram >.< but epic meme is epic #MuslimMoments". But whenever we're into problem or making our own problem, there will always be tranquility remembering Allāh Swt.
So remember Me; I will remember you. And be grateful to Me and do not deny Me.(QS: Al Baqarah 2: 152). And the best recovery through those moments is to tawba, tawba, and tawba!
Repentance (tawba) means that one feels regret and, filled with remorse for his or her sins, turns to God with the intention to obey Him. According to truth-seeking scholars, repentance signifies a sincere effort to no longer oppose the Divine Essence in one’s feelings, thoughts, intentions, and acts, and to comply sincerely with His commands and prohibitions. Repentance does not mean being disgusted with what is bad or prohibited and thus no longer engaging in it; rather, it means remaining aloof from whatever God hates and prohibits, even if it seems agreeable to sense and reason.
Repentance is usually used with nasuh, literally meaning pure, sincere, reforming, improving, and repairing. Tawba nasuh (sincere and reforming repentance) means a pure, sincere repentance that perfectly reforms and improves the one who feels it. One who feels such a sincere, heartfelt, and true remorse for the sin committed seeks to abandon it, thereby setting a good example for others. The Qur’an points to this when it mentions true repentance: O you who believe! Turn to God in true, sincere repentance (66:8). (source)
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