It feels really good to be back! Alhamdulillāh :)
Photos from left to right:
- It's Jalan Dipenogoro or Dipenogoro street on Sunday Morning, 17th June 2012. There's a Sunday Market every Sunday (of course :P) around that area, nearby Lapangan Gasibu or Gasibu Field. The merchants don't just trade inside the Gasibu Field, but they also use the roads! You can imagine how it creates jasm every Sunday.. You can find that they sell from underwear, fishes, to vehicles at one place! Creatively Bandung people~ And I've just figured out that people are starting to open their booths on Jalan Dipenogoro. The local government or the police itself might be unable to close this 'every Sunday' market. Maybe it's because of the enthusiasts of this market.
- Haikal and Mom with the police's car behind.
- Taman Lansia or Elderly Park. It's really nice to have this park in the town but sadly, the citizens are still lack to maintain the cleanness and the beauty of this park.
- Police's patrolling motorcycle
- Haikal said that I was cruel to take his pictures! Haha~ OHMY. Look at that annoyed face >,< I'm sorry brother, but you're my particular photo object *wink*
- Me and Mom at Yoghurt Cisangkuy! photo taken by my brother.
- Mommy walked in Taman Lansia.
- Angkot Pink!!! It's one of the public transportation in my town. Angkot is the acronym from "Angkutan Kota" which means "City Transportation". The pinky one is somewhat is an hot issue currently for me because it has the same colour with my scarf which I wore on this post! The car on that picture isn't slightly the same with my scarf actually, but there are some which coloured slightly the same. LOL! So then, I was curious what is the name of the track of that angkot. It's routed from GD Bage - SP Dago to Caheum. Ok, this is truly random. But there's a long story why do I really care about this angkot. Hehe >,<
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The firsts two photos were captured by my lil bro! thank you Haikal! \^o^/ |
Fashion Formula:
Hijab Chic dress + Ayoka Hijab scarf + Necklace from Payless + Bag from Aceh + Black socks + Nike maroon sneakers
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