Final exam was over on last Friday! as I have mentioned on this post, I said that I'd like to share about my life in college. Since 4th semester is already finished, these college stories would turn into some reviews. I also would like to mention about the lectures and activities I had on this semester. The lectures that won't be mentioned from this semester are Conflict Resolution, Hukum Ekonomi International (International Economic Law), and Metodologi Ilmu Hubungan Internasional (Metodology of International Relations Sciences). It doesn't mean that the lectures mentioned previously were boring and uninteresting. I actually found that those lectures I got were mind-stimulating. That is one of the interesting facts when I make comparison on how does the learning process between high school and college is really different. When I was still passing through the 12 years of schooling, I hardly got the 'vibe' like I get in college. In those years, I admit that I also found interesting facts about the world from the subjects I learned at school. I absorbed what I know, and mostly—just it. At college, when I attended some lectures, the knowledge that transfered from the lecturers could electrify me with the sense of excitement!
I remember about my first year of college, and my very first favourite thing I found at college where I'm studying was the Pancasila lecture! It was the one and only lecture on the 1st semester that helped me to build the foundation of love for this country, Indonesia. Before that, I was such an 'easily-to-be-influenced' kind of person—and all I wanted to do was moving out from this country with under the idea that the western part of the world was just seem to be better from where I'm living in, my country had no hopes, and many negative a priories. The point is, that lecture helped me to mature my own thought. Alhamdulillāh.
After I mentioned all the positive stuffs here, I won't deny that I do have the experience the phases of boredom, being sleepy, letting my thoughts wander inside the class, not being connected when the lecture was lecturing, study on the night before, not entering the class because I was too late, not joining midterm exam because I forgot to bring my student card, wishing myself for the lecture to end soon, being frustrated by the assignments, getting low scores, and so forth. But after all, I am glad to get through these processes.
Later, I'd like to make a "4th Semester in Review" kind of group post. The format of the post' title would be like this: 4th Semester in Review | <topic of the post>.