
Being Featured on FiMiNin!

I had a great day today with my mother and my little brother! We went for a day out and I got some new hijabs :D. I am also ecstatic knowing that I was featured on Fiminin blog. Here is the screenshot:
Actually I am not the one who is featured first, I just piled up the screen shots. There are also many beautiful and inspiring girls on the post! You better check it out here. The bad news I got today is that I failed putting the film into my analog camera. So, I didn't get any result. I'm so sad because the objects I had captured on that camera is difficult to find again.

Here's what I wore today:

Fashion Formula:
Mango Buttons Up + Black Jeans + Green Converse + Green Prada Nylon Tote + Gradation Hijab


  1. i like you, sist! :)


  2. dinanyala
    Assalamu'alaikum sister!
    thanks for commenting on my blog :) I like your creations as well! your pieces are famous!
